UKIP aims for EU 'No' vote in South Holland and the Deepings

Members from UKIP's South Holland and the Deepings branch (from left), branch secretary Geoff Garner, "Leave the EU" campaign manager Rob Gibson, membership secretary Jean Churchill, branch chairman Paul Foyster and treasurer Peter Bird.Members from UKIP's South Holland and the Deepings branch (from left), branch secretary Geoff Garner, "Leave the EU" campaign manager Rob Gibson, membership secretary Jean Churchill, branch chairman Paul Foyster and treasurer Peter Bird.
Members from UKIP's South Holland and the Deepings branch (from left), branch secretary Geoff Garner, "Leave the EU" campaign manager Rob Gibson, membership secretary Jean Churchill, branch chairman Paul Foyster and treasurer Peter Bird.
Voters across South Holland and the Deepings are being urged to say 'No' to the EU's (European Union) 'tight grip' in the forthcoming referendum.

While Prime Minister David Cameron looks for a deal on reforming the EU ahead of a referendum, expected to be held in June, on whether the UK is to stay in the European political and economic, UKIP South Holland and the Deepings members have launched their campaign for a “No” vote.

The campaign is being run by Rob Gibson, who stood unsuccessfully as a candidate for the Spalding St John’s Ward in last May’s South Holland District Council elections.

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Branch chairman and Holbeach district councillor Paul Foyster said: “The dangers of remaining in the EU are far greater than the very limited risk of leaving as a win for the ‘remainders’ will encourage fast and rapid movement towards a single EU state.

“It would also mean further loss of our national sovereignty and an almost certain large increase in the costs of membership.

“A ‘No’ vote would allow us to escape from the control of the unelected commission in Brussels which already grips us so tightly that our Prime Minister has to take his begging bowl round the continent, asking to be allowed to make simple changes to our own social security system.

“There is nothing the EU can do for us that we can’t do better for ourselves.”

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UKIP branch members in South Holland and the Deepings are hoping for the same support which saw David Parsons secure a fifth of the vote across the constituency in last May’s general election.

Labour candidate Matthew Mahabadi who came third in the election, said: “Leaving Europe might seem an easy choice but the realities are very stark indeed.

“Leaving Europe puts jobs at risk, our children’s futures at risk, puts our credibility in the eyes of the United States and other international partners at risk and, most importantly for you and your family, it puts our economy fundamentally at risk.

“As a working person with a mortgage and commitments, I am voting to remain in Europe to secure jobs, secure our children’s futures and secure our

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proud British tradition of working in Europe to project our British culture and values across the globe.”

Meanwhile, Liberal Democrat candidate George Smid said: “The problem with the OUT campaign is that it is one-dimensional, whatever your problem, blame the EU.

“But leaving the EU will not sort out the UK’s problems as the EU’s problems will become solely the UK’s problems.”

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