Plans to upgrade Peterborough’s Green Wheel to get more residents cycling

Cycle laneCycle lane
Cycle lane | Johnston Press
Work to improve cycling in Peterborough, including improving the city’s Green Wheel and increasing bike parking is set to take place.

The plans aim to encourage people to ditch their cars in favour of cycling or walking

Sustrans has been commissioned to do a Green Wheel survey report which will identify areas for improvement, but it is likely this will include enhanced surfacing.

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Councillor Peter Hiller, cabinet member for strategic planning, commercial strategy and investment at Peterborough City Council, said: “Following on from the council’s first ever Climate Action Day earlier this year, our transport team has been working extensively to think of improvements that we can make to our city that would encourage walking and cycling to be the default method of transport for short distances.

“We are building on this work to help us to navigate the next stage of our Covid-19 response, which will help the city to adjust to the new normal, while adhering to social distancing guidelines.”

Other measures being looked at include Introducing temporary closures or vehicle restrictions (with the exception of residents or delivery drivers) on roads outside schools in the city, trialling the replacement of the existing ‘push’ buttons at pedestrian crossings with touch-free options and reducing waiting times for pedestrians at busy crossings in the city centre and school cycle proficiency training.