Peterborough residents given chance to have their say on roads and transport

Soke Parkway, A47, by night.Soke Parkway, A47, by night.
Soke Parkway, A47, by night.
Peterborough residents will be given the chance to have their say on roads and public transport in the city.

A random sample of around 4,300 residents will receive the National Highways and Transport public satisfaction survey which will ask for their views on highways and transport services, from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities.

Peterborough City Council is one of 111 Local Authorities to sign up to the survey, which is being run for the eleventh year. It is the largest collaboration between local authorities offering the opportunity to compare results, share in best practice and identify further opportunities to work together in the future.

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The questionnaire will be sent to a minimum random sample of at least 4,300 of Peterborough’s residents from 7 June, followed by a reminder, with local and national results to be published in late-October 2019. Since the survey is based on a sample, residents that receive a copy are being urged to take part.

Peterborough has previously scored highly in the survey. The council has been ranked as the best highways authority in the eastern region in 2017 and 2018, scoring an above average satisfaction rating in both years.

Over the past 12 months, the council has been praised for a number of significant highways projects, including a new junction in Bourges Boulevard which has improved access to a busy car park close to the railway station, as well as a successful scheme to repair drought-damaged roads in rural areas.

Residents that receive the questionnaire can complete the survey online if they prefer, a short URL link will be printed on the front of the questionnaire and they will be required to enter a code before completing the questionnaire.

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Councillor Peter Hiller, cabinet member for strategic planning, commercial strategy and investment, said: “The results of this survey will enable us to find out what people in our city think about these important services. It gives them the opportunity to say which services they think the council should prioritise, and improve.

“This is not about producing a league table to champion one geographical area over another, it is about better understanding the views of residents and working together to deliver the most satisfactory yet efficient services for our residents.

“If you receive the survey through your door please take the time to complete it and tell us your views.”