Nigel Farage tells Peterborough crowd 'we will change politics in this great nation forever' at large Brexit Party rally

Nigel Farage at the rallyNigel Farage at the rally
Nigel Farage at the rally
Nigel Farage has promised his new Brexit Party will "change politics in this great nation forever" as he hosted a large rally at Peterborough's KingsGate Conference Centre.

Addressing between 1,500 and 1,800 vocal supporters, many of whom had queued outside hours earlier, the party leader said: “This is not about left or right, this is about right and wrong – and we have right on our side.”

Mr Farage said several times the people of Britain have been "betrayed" over Brexit and that he is now "back for good" and will "take up the fight to delivery Brexit properly".

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He added: “We need to change politics in this nation for good. I am asking you are you with us? We will contest every seat in the country at the next general election and in the process we will change politics in this great nation forever.”

Nigel Farage at the rallyNigel Farage at the rally
Nigel Farage at the rally

The rally had been organised as one of a series up and down the country over the past few weeks since the Brexit Party was launched by Mr Farage.

The party is also fielding a candidate in the forthcoming Peterborough by-election, after former MP Fiona Onasanya was recalled from Parliament by her constituents due to her prison sentence for perverting the course of justice.

More than 27 per cent of Ms Onasanya's constituents (19,261) signed a Recall Petition, well above the 10 per cent threshold needed to trigger a by-election.

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Mr Farage said his party will announce its candidate for the June 6 by-election on Thursday after narrowing the choice down to two after being "overwhelmed" by applicants.

Nigel Farage speaking at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference CentreNigel Farage speaking at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference Centre
Nigel Farage speaking at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference Centre

Among the other speakers at the centre in Staplee Way was former Conservative MP and reality TV star Ann Widdecombe, who said: “We have been comprehensively betrayed by the Government, and it is not just the 17.4 million who won the Brexit referendum who will suffer if Brexit is not delivered but the generations to come.

“This Government has also betrayed the millions who died from this country in two world wars to keep Britain great.

“Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn want the UK to be a doormat that Jean-Claude Juncker can walk all over – well I say no to that, and so should you.

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“We have a parliament full of cowards sitting down there in Westminster, and despite promising they would implement Brexit if they could have their way it will never be delivered. They should all be ashamed.”

The crowd at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference CentreThe crowd at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference Centre
The crowd at the Brexit Party rally at the KingsGate Conference Centre

Asked from the audience why she had never been publicly honoured for her contribution to politics as others had, Ms Widdecombe was frank: “I don’t think that David Cameron liked me very much”, she said, before adding: “Mind you, I didn’t like him very much either!”

Mr Farage was asked how the people of Peterborough can help the Brexit Party go forward, to which he said: “Join the party – it only costs £25 – that is a commitment. Obviously come out and vote for us.

"The people of Peterborough should be proud of themselves – 19,000 of them voting to oust your MP and then coming out again just days later to vote in the local elections.

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“Don’t be fooled into thinking that the MEP’s are not needed – we need to show central government that you will not put up with what has happened.

Audience members queuing outsideAudience members queuing outside
Audience members queuing outside

“And then, we ask you to come out once more in June to vote for a new MP for Peterborough. It is a lot to ask, but I ask it of you. Speak to your family, your friends, your neighbours and get them to vote.”

Mr Farage ended the evening with a rally cry of: ““What do we want? (Audience: Brexit!) When do we want it? (Audience: Now).”