LETTER: Thanks to my Bretton and East Ward supporters

Labour candidates for the local elections
Jo Johnson ENGEMN00120120317183106Labour candidates for the local elections
Jo Johnson ENGEMN00120120317183106
Labour candidates for the local elections Jo Johnson ENGEMN00120120317183106
I want to thank the people of East and Bretton wards for all their support over the last six years.

I was devastated when I wasn’t selected to stand in the East ward this time because of all the excellent relationships I have built with the voters and all the friends I have made. But when I was selected as the candidate for Bretton I threw myself into the campaign and would have put my heart and soul into the ward if I had been elected.

I lost by only 27 votes to Scott Warren who was a very hardworking and worthy opponent. I have ensured that the issues brought to me during the campaign have been passed on to the councillors representing the people of Bretton and of course, I will continue to serve on the Parish Council. Thank you to all those who voted for me and those who supported my campaigns and to the council staff who have supported me in my time in office.

Jo Johnson - via email