Novel campaign helps to spread joy of reading in Peterborough

The event in Cathedral SquareThe event in Cathedral Square
The event in Cathedral Square
A year long celebration of reading began with a big launch event in the city centre which was attended by more than 1,000 people.

The Peterborough Celebrates Reading campaign has been organised by Peterborough City Council, the National Literacy Trust, Vivacity and City College Peterborough to get children interested in books, and more parents reading to their kids from a young age.

And Saturday’s launch event included professional storytelling sessions, free books to take home, book-related activities and the chance to visit the Vivacity book bus.

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Cllr Lynne Ayres, cabinet member for children’s services, education, skills and university at the council, said: “The launch of the Peterborough Celebrates Reading campaign on Saturday was a huge success and I’d like to thank everyone who supported it.

Storyteller Roxy Croft with children. EMN-190623-105913009Storyteller Roxy Croft with children. EMN-190623-105913009
Storyteller Roxy Croft with children. EMN-190623-105913009

“More than 1,000 people took away a free book to share at home and lots of people wanted more information about how to join their local library and the summer reading challenge which launches next month.

“It was great to speak to parents and children about the importance of reading and sharing books on a daily basis for at least 10 minutes a day, even with babies and very young children.

“Saturday was just the start of a year-long programme which we have planned to get more children enjoying books with their family, so please keep an eye out for details of future events.”

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Upcoming events include a summer reading challenge, Roald Dahl Day in September, writing competitions, story trails and a poetry festival. A pop-up shop will also open in the city centre in August.

Dmitrii Neamtu with Elizabeth and Alisa Neamtu EMN-190623-105901009Dmitrii Neamtu with Elizabeth and Alisa Neamtu EMN-190623-105901009
Dmitrii Neamtu with Elizabeth and Alisa Neamtu EMN-190623-105901009

The year will culminate with a trail of book-shaped benches across the city created by schools, community groups and businesses in association with Wild in Art.

Schools, businesses and other organisations are also being encouraged to sign up to the Peterborough Reading Pledge to promote reading to their staff, encourage them to join a library, and encourage book clubs or a book suggestion page on the company’s intranet.

Moreover, on Friday, July 5, a training session is being held at the Town Hall from 1pm to 3pm for people interested in becoming a Reading Buddy and reading to children for an hour a week, for at least one school term.

To book your place, email: [email protected].