Peterborough's history handed over

Mayor of Peterborough Coun. John Fox with  Trevor Pearce (chairman) and Julie Nicholson (secretary) of Peterborough  History Society receiving City of Peterborough Council Minutes books from 1922-1979 from the City Council. EMN-170724-143918009Mayor of Peterborough Coun. John Fox with  Trevor Pearce (chairman) and Julie Nicholson (secretary) of Peterborough  History Society receiving City of Peterborough Council Minutes books from 1922-1979 from the City Council. EMN-170724-143918009
Mayor of Peterborough Coun. John Fox with Trevor Pearce (chairman) and Julie Nicholson (secretary) of Peterborough History Society receiving City of Peterborough Council Minutes books from 1922-1979 from the City Council. EMN-170724-143918009
Books detailing the rich history of Peterborough from the 1920s onwards were handed over by Mayor of Peterborough Cllr John Fox to Trevor Pearce (chairman) and Julie Nicholson (secretary) of the Peterborough Local History Society on Monday.

The old books contain records of the meetings of the committees in force at the time and cover many of the changes in the city, including the building of the Town Hall, as well as the challenges faced during the Second World War.

The books were handed over after Peterborough City Council discovered it had more copies than was anticipated.

Cllr Fox said: “The local history society were really excited, which was great. I had a look through the pages and they were very interesting.”