£18K awarded to church to help with accessibility

St Thomas  Becket church in RamseySt Thomas  Becket church in Ramsey
St Thomas Becket church in Ramsey | other
St Thomas à Becket church in Ramsey has been awarded over £18,000 as part of the Mick George community fund programme.

The church will be using the money to improve accessibility to the church and its services. It hopes to encourage the residents of Ramsey to use the church as a community asset rather than only a place of worship.

Reordering chairman Richard Hyde said: “I wish to convey our sincere gratitude for this most generous grant through Mick George- this grant could not come to our committee at a more appropriate time.

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“We already offer opportunities for groups such as Becket lunches, toddlers, youths and a newly considered dementia drop-in. Many of these will need easy access in a warm building with a sound system and an improved access pathway. Without a grant such as this Ramsey would be much poorer. Mick George will enrich more people's lives through this generous support.”

Stuart Costello, marketing director at Mick George, said: “We’re pleased to declare that the company is currently in a very healthy position, owing largely to the support of local communities that we operate in. This is our way of giving something back, to show our appreciation.”

The current round of applications for the community fund is now open. You can apply here, before April 27, 2020.