Peterborough Heritage Festival celebrates 10th anniversary

Peterborough Heritage Festival 2019. Viking warriorsPeterborough Heritage Festival 2019. Viking warriors
Peterborough Heritage Festival 2019. Viking warriors
It was a happy 10th birthday for the Peterborough Heritage Festival at the weekend.

The UK’s largest multi-period living history festival told the story of more than 3,000 years of history in Peterborough with two days worth of events in the city centre. Attractions included a Victorian re-enactor encampment, a Victorian folklorist, a Victorian magician, a Steampunk display in the main arena, Roman and Second World War re-enactors, historic vehicles and medieval knights, as well as an array of stalls, workshops and dance, music and artistic displays. Sunday also saw the formal installation of the new Mayor of Peterborough Cllr Gul Nawaz at the cathedral. Cllr Nawaz’s granddaughter Amreen is the mayoress this year, while Cllr Diane Lamb is deputy mayor.