Peterborough care home supports local Food Bank with 72-meal donation

Hampton Grove residents present their donations to the Trussell Trust.Hampton Grove residents present their donations to the Trussell Trust.
Hampton Grove residents present their donations to the Trussell Trust.
Residents of Hampton Grove Care Home have been collecting food since February.

Hampton Grove care home in Peterborough has this month presented The Trussell Trust food bank, based at Dodson Way, with the food they had been collecting over the past month.

The care home visited the food bank with two crates of food that the staff, residents and visitors had donated since the beginning of February.

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Hampton Grove’s resident ambassador went with staff to donate the food and was pleased to announce that Hampton Grove had collected enough essential items for seventy-two meals.

General Manager, Krzysztof Krzysztofiak Care Home said: “We have had such a great response from visitors, residents and staff who generously donated to the foodbank.”