Call for potentially hazardous waste to be moved from land near Peterborough

The two barrelsThe two barrels
The two barrels
Barrels have been left at side of Oundle Road at Elton for months

There has been a call for authorities to move potentially hazardous waste from the side of a road in a Peterborough village.

Two barrels of an unknown substance were dumped on land by the junction of Oundle Road and Elton Gated Road in Elton several months ago – but despite reports to the council and Environment Agency, they still have not been moved.

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Resident Mike Fray said at points the barrels have been tipped over, with their contents leaking into the water course.

He said: “I turned it back up, getting some of the chemicals all over me. I am guessing it's oil based.”

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “The reports have been forwarded to the Local Authority (Huntingdonshire District) as fly-tipping falls under their jurisdiction. We are currently awaiting a response from Huntingdonshire Council.”

“While the Environment Agency are unable to respond to Category 3 pollution incidents, we have dispatched a field team to assess the situation given the potential leakage from these barrels.”

Huntingdonshire District Council said they could not collect the barrels as they are on private land.