Prosecute Peterborough drivers who flout the law

A car parked on double yellow linesA car parked on double yellow lines
A car parked on double yellow lines
I am writing with concerns about bad parking and lack of enforcement.

I have complained to the parking inspector at Peterborough City Council who is responsible for both parking and enforcement.

The areas of concern are Lincoln Road (Chaiiwala tea shop) and Dogsthorpe Road, All Saints’ School. The parking inspector says that he has limited manpower to cover all events.

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The parking at Chaiiwala consists of vehicles parking on the pathway whilst there are two yellow lines on the road making this an offence. The inspector says that Lincoln Road is a priority, and being asked how many tickets have been issued in a month I was told 100!

That equates to three a day - that’s enforcement for the whole of Lincoln Road. It’s a joke and a waste of time sending a warden to that location.

The second situation is All Saints’ School - at given times of the school day the parking is mayhem and very dangerous. But wait, the council has the answer they are going to erect Pavement Prohibitions Signs at a cost to the taxpayer - but how are they going to find the manpower to enforce this situation if they can’t do it now?

In both the above situations the council could make money for the good of the city. After all they make the rules - start enforcing them.

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The fact is that the council leader, Councillor John Holdich, does not understand the word enforcement or doesn’t want to, otherwise he would not publish remarks about Norwood Lane and what they are going to do.

To catch a criminal you don’t tell them what you are proposing. You’re not trying hard enough. But keep picking the low fruit. Two minutes over parking in town and there’s a ticket, and whatever happens keep the square mile outside the cathedral clean and tidy, never mind the rest of Peterborough.

Mr J Davis

Mayfield Road
