Opinion: Setting the record straight

Peterborough City Councillor Marco CerestePeterborough City Councillor Marco Cereste
Peterborough City Councillor Marco Cereste
At our full Council meeting on January 24, the new administration who took control of the council back in November stated that they were going to be more open transparent, collegiate and honest, writes Marco Cereste, Shadow Cabinet Member for Growth and Regeneration.

At this most recent meeting they presented the “Peterborough Investment Prospectus” a very good and important document, the officers and the administration that produced it should be congratulated for their work and foresight. But which Administration one might ask?

Let’s look at what the prospectus says: In the last year over £80 million pounds of Government investment has been secured, including the money for the third Phase of our new university and the transformation of our Station Quarter.

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Was this achieved by the new administration? No, we as Conservatives did it!

This is being matched by private investors keen to benefit from our growth as we are a pro-growth city evidenced by the fact that we are the second fastest growing in the UK. Was this achieved by the new administration? No, we as Conservatives did it!!

We have maintained and strengthened our position as one of the top retail destinations thanks to our high street, leisure, culture and entertainment offer. This includes a redeveloped river frontage and a safe and vibrant night time economy.

Was this achieved by the new administration? No, we as Conservatives did it!!

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Our GVA is ahead of Cambridge, we will continue to support existing and established businesses such as Perkins Engines, and we have one of the highest start-up rates.

Was this achieved by the new administration? No, we as Conservatives did it!

Just look at what is happening now. ARU Peterborough, Phase 3 the Living Lab, The Vine, The Green Technology Centre and the Digital Incubator, The new River Nene Pedestrian Bridge, a State-of-the-Art Olympic Climbing facility.

Has this been achieved by the new administration? No, we as Conservatives did it!

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If we for a moment look at the individual projects. The Station Quarter has been granted some £48 million of Levelling Up funding and partners are now being sought to work with the council,

Network Rail and LNER so as to bring forward a comprehensive development proposal.

The former TK Max building is an exciting opportunity to transform this prominent, exceptionally well positioned building as part of the council’s long-term plan for the regeneration of the city centre. The existing 3-storey building, totals 6,890m2. ARU Peterborough is one of the fastest growing universities in the UK. It has a new £30 million state of the art campus which opened in September 2022 and an ambition to offer courses for up to 12,500 students by 2032. Current plans show the university being developed and expanded in phases over the next decade. The Campus is located within the 22-hectare Embankment area in Peterborough, east of the city centre and north of the river Nene.

The initial phases 1 and 2 are complete and provide learning and innovation facilities. The next phase 3 is due for completion in 2024 and will include Living Science Lab facilities.

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North Westgate sits between the Queensgate Shopping Centre and the Station Quarter regeneration area extending to over 4.6ha. The council’s ambition is to create a new quarter for the city centre providing a mixed-use area excellently located it will deliver an area with a distinct character, complimenting and enhancing the city centre. The Council will leverage CPO powers if needed to enable this site to come forward and to ensure delivery.

The Goods Shed at Fletton Quays provides the opportunity to deliver the last phase of this regeneration. The development opportunity sits alongside the river Nene, adjacent to the council’s new offices, the new Hilton Hotel and 350 recently completed high quality riverside apartments.

Towns Fund money has also been secured to deliver a new footbridge nearby which will connect the Embankment to Fletton Quays immediately in front of the goods shed. This will open-up the opportunity to deliver an exciting new and complimentary Food & Beverage offer.

The Pleasure Fair Meadow car park is a brownfield site owned by Medsham Homes. It is situated south of the City Centre, fronting on to London Road and Oundle Road. It is adjacent to the Fletton Quays development and a short walk from Peterborough United Football Club and will come forward for redevelopment at some point.

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Middleholme is a 17ha brownfield site located close to the east of the city centre in the Fengate area. It has extensive river frontage to the northern bank of the river Nene, and is ideally positioned to come forward for a high quality residential led development that will enhance the riverside setting.

We have also supported Queensgate in getting the new House of Fraser and Flannels stores here.

Therefore, why do they try and take the credit for it all, where has the openness, transparency and honesty gone? We as Conservatives shall continue to promote all that is good about our city and come May you the voters will have your say again too.