Local elections 23: ​Vote for fairer, greener communities

Kirsty Knight, Green Party  councillor for Orton WatervilleKirsty Knight, Green Party  councillor for Orton Waterville
Kirsty Knight, Green Party councillor for Orton Waterville
Back in 2018, the Peterborough Green Party decided the people of Orton Waterville Ward deserved better than they were getting from their councillors, writes Green Party councillor Kirsty Knight.

We decided to stand to change this and we won.

This grew to four Green councillors in Peterborough, all of whom put people and the environment at the centre of their work.

Across the country hundreds of Green Party candidates are standing for election this May.

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We are contesting a historic number of seats, aiming to gain power on more councils and break through into more areas than ever before.

Greens are running councils across the country, sharing control of 17 councils and in complete control of one.

Greens have worked to build energy efficient homes, implement council tax hardship funds, protect green spaces and work hard on behalf of the residents they represent.

Peterborough Greens are standing together for: “Fairer, greener communities” across the city with a total of 19 candidates standing across wards in this years local election on May 4.

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Here at Peterborough City Council, Greens have worked with other parties to declare a ‘climate emergency,’ and we now have a climate change and environment scrutiny committee on the council which Nicola Day (candidate) has chaired.

Our growing climate change team at the council have been developing a local area energy plan for Peterborough, as well as focusing on biodiversity plans to improve and restore local nature hotspots.

We have been helping residents to gain information about how they can access grants for home insulation and how they can best make their homes more energy efficient, thus keeping down the spiralling costs of living.

The Green Party would insist that polluters pay for energy costs by introducing a windfall tax on oil and gas company profits, and use that tax to help residents make their homes more energy efficient.

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Greens contend that public services like the NHS and railways are paid for by us, we use them and we own them.

We would roll back the NHS to ensure that all health and dental services are publicly provided, funded and free at the point of access.

We would close the NHS spending gap and provide an immediate cash injection to ensure everyone can access a GP.

We would work to ensure that hospitals are run properly with staff fairly paid.

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The Government’s ideological commitment to austerity has seen £50 billion cut from council services since 2010, with the most basic services being eroded causing our communities to be decimated.

The Green Party is committed to campaigning to restore the lost £50 billion of public money taken from local councils.

Having Greens elected will send a strong message to Westminster that people have had enough of losing cherished local services.

A vote for the Green Party in May is a vote against such outdated, disastrously imposed establishment thinking.

It is a vote for a fresh, new approach.

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From delivering affordable public transport, helping people heat their homes, to protecting precious green spaces we have already seen the impact of Green councillors across the country.

Please vote Green in the local elections on May 4th, 2023.

• You can keep up to date with all the latest local election news and information by visiting the website at: www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk