Dean of Peterborough to retire

Rt Rev Charles Taylor Dean of The Cathedral  ENGEMN00120131129155242Rt Rev Charles Taylor Dean of The Cathedral  ENGEMN00120131129155242
Rt Rev Charles Taylor Dean of The Cathedral ENGEMN00120131129155242
The Dean of Peterborough has announced he will be retiring later this year.

The Very Rev’d Charles Taylor, will have a farewell service on Sunday October 2.

In making the announcement the Rt Rev’d Donald Allister, Bishop of Peterborough, described Charles Taylor as “an excellent priest” and “a man of the highest integrity and probity.”

He has served as Dean of Peterborough since 2007.

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Canon Jonathan Baker will serve as Acting Dean during the forthcoming vacancy, and as required until then.

Mr Taylor said: “Catherine and I are thankful to God and deeply grateful to you all for the friendship and support we have enjoyed here over the last none years. We will continue to value that, together with your prayers, during the coming months as we prepare for a new phase of ministry together, whatever that may be.”

The Bishop has also announced that he is to hold a formal Bishop’s Visitation at the Cathedral, which has been welcomed by the Dean and Chapter.

In a letter, Bishop Donald Allister said: “Our much-loved Dean, Charles Taylor, has given me notice that he will be retiring from the Deanery this autumn. His farewell service will be the Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday 2 October.

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“Charles is an excellent priest. He has given us all so much of himself. He is a man of the highest integrity and probity. His ability to hold so many things and so many people together is quite remarkable. His trademark humour is known throughout the Church of England.

“He has been a great friend to me, and a valued senior colleague. Unfortunately Charles is unwell at present, but hopes to be back at work next week. We hold him in our prayers. I am appointing Canon Jonathan Baker as Acting Dean to cover this time of illness, Charles’ holiday in August, and the forthcoming vacancy. I am grateful to him for agreeing to serve in this way. The process of appointing a new Dean will not begin until the autumn.”