Woman forged driving licence ‘because test was too hard’

Court newsCourt news
Court news
A woman who crashed her car and produced a forged driving licence told officers she never completed the UK driving test because it was too hard for her.

Wioletta Jankowska, 45, of Ambury Hill, Huntingdon crashed her car on Lake Way, Huntingdon on 26 August 2018. She was taken to hospital for her injuries but the licence she provided at the scene was discovered to be fraudulent.

When questioned by officers during an interview on 30 October 2018, Jankowska admitted that the licence was fake and explained that she got it through a friend. She said she had never sat a UK driving test because it was too hard and she only held a provisional UK licence.

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Jankowska also admitted driving without due care on the night of her crash.

She was handed a four month suspended sentence at Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday (25 April) for driving without due care and attention, driving without a licence and possessing forged documents. She was also given a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement, 80 hours unpaid work and disqualified from driving for a year.

PC Emily Ingle, who investigated, said: “Jankowska was well aware she was committing an offence by driving without a licence.

“It’s incredibly dangerous to drive without sitting a test. I’m glad justice has been done and this careless and dangerous driver has been taken off the road.”