Three stabbed by screwdriver and another punched in the face with a weapon as youth gang-related violence in Peterborough escalates

Police and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter, and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter,
Police and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter,
Three young people were stabbed in the arm with a screwdriver as police warn about an escalation in youth gang-related violence in Peterborough.

The stabbing in Paston Lane by a gang came nearly a week ago (Monday, February 1) at about 9.30pm.

And two days later, in nearby Mountsteven Avenue, Walton, a 16-year-old boy was attacked by another young person who punched him in the face with a weapon at 3.30pm.

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The incidents were revealed by Police Sergeant Warren Bottell, of the Community Enforcement Team, who said: “This week we have seen an escalation around gang related youth violence between various groups of young people.

“Sadly this has led to serious assaults being committed by young people on young people. We have therefore been working with other agencies to diffuse this issue.”

Further incidents are said to have taken place on February 4, involving threats and intimidation, but no further information is currently available.

PS Bottell added: “We have therefore been out on foot and on cycles in the Werrington Centre, Skaters Way, Cuckoo’s Hollow, Paston Lane and Mountsteven Avenue, working with youth workers to engage young people to gather information.

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“We have been working in the Queensgate Bus Station to disperse youths causing anti-social behaviour at this location if required.

“We have also been working with local shops, residents and the public in the Paston area to gather evidence against a small number of local youths. A meeting next week will enable us to decide what further action to take against them.

“If you have young people, children and students living in your household who you are responsible for, please make sure you know what they are doing, who they are associating with and making friends with on social media. Check their media account posts, speak to them about gang related issues, keep them safe.

“Thank you to those of you who have messaged back with information about what is going on in your area. I have made a note of these issues and will allocate them out for patrols in due course.

“The issues raised are also passed to our colleagues in the SaferPeterborough Partnership for their information and action where possible.”

More information will be added when we have it.