Police appeal after shop near Peterborough robbed with a weapon

Police have appealed for witnesses after a shop near Peterborough was robbed with a weapon.

Lincolnshire Police are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage following reports of a robbery at the Happy Shopper on Churchill Avenue in Bourne at around 8:40am on Wednesday morning (August 18).

The suspect is reported to have approached the store from West Street and turned right into Churchill Avenue, entered the shop and made threats with a weapon before making off with money from the till. He turned right out of Churchill Avenue onto West Street towards town at 8.43am.

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The suspect has been described as a white man wearing a blue or black hooded top, grey tracksuit bottoms and black trainers. He wore his hood up and had the cords pulled tightly round his face, and was wearing a facemask.

Officers and forensic teams immediately attended the scene and have launched an investigation to find the person responsible. An increased police presence will remain in place today (August 19) as officers conduct their enquiries.

Detective Constable Carl Christopher said: “This was a really distressing incident for the staff in a local shop who were just going about their business with no expectation that they would be targeted and threatened in this way.

“We are conducting a thorough investigation, and would like to appeal to the public for help in identifying the suspect. Numerous cars drive by on West Street at that time of day, and it’s possible that they have captured the suspect on a dash cam.”

Lincolnshire Police can be contacted:

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- By clicking on the emailing [email protected], with the subject- incident 78 of 18 August.

- Via their non-emergency number 101, quoting incident 78 of 18 August.

- Through the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at crimestoppers-uk.org.