Partner of Burghley House butler crushed in lift describes '˜irreparable' pain

Arthur Mellar and Gerwin Castillo EMN-140730-150707001Arthur Mellar and Gerwin Castillo EMN-140730-150707001
Arthur Mellar and Gerwin Castillo EMN-140730-150707001
The partner of Burghley House butler Arthur Mellar has described the pain he has suffered since he was crushed to death by a luggage lift in July 2014.

A statement from Mr Mellar’s partner Gerwin Castillo was read out during a hearing at Peterborough Crown Court yesterday (Monday, February 27) by prosecutor Jamas Hodivala.

The Burghley House Preservation Trust was fined £266,000 and ordered to pay £16,861.35 in costs after admitting to one count of failing to ensure the welfare of Arthur Mellar (47).

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Quoting Mr Castillo, Mr Hodivala said: “He describes the pain as still being raw. He said he struggles to cope and how he finds it difficult to move on.

“He describes Mr Mellar as his inspiration and reason to live. He has found the impact on him as irreparable.”

Following the sentencing David Pennell, estates director at Burghley House, said: “Health and safety matters have always been paramount across all activities at Burghley, and what happened to Arthur Mellar in July 2014 was a dreadful and tragic accident.

“I know that I speak for all of us at Burghley when I say how much we miss him, and our thoughts are with Gerwin and Arthur’s family at this time.”