Officers disrupt illegal raves in King's Cliffe

Police and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter, and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter,
Police and crime news from the Peterborough Telegraph -, @peterboroughtel on Twitter,
Two illegal raves in King's Cliffe were disrupted by officers, following reports from the public in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Officers attended the locations shortly after midnight after receiving reports of loud music.

There were hundreds of people and cars at the locations with sound systems set up.

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Using powers under Section 63 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, officers seized equipment, took details of vehicles, their drivers and passengers, and directed people to leave the area and prevented those arriving later from entering.

Officers worked during the early hours of today to ensure people were moved along safely and with minimal disruption.Sector Inspector Julie Mead, for East Northants and Corby, said: “Thanks to calls from members of the public, we were alerted to the raves and were able to respond.

“Raves can be very disruptive in terms of noise and nuisance and can be more difficult to clear once they are established. It’s therefore vital that people let us know if they concerned about any suspicious activity.

“We would remind people to be vigilant and look out for signs of a potential rave. Often, those who are looking to set-up a rave will visit the potential site before the event. If anyone spots any suspicious activity in their village, along a country road or around farm land, please let us know.”

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Officers worked over the bank holiday to reassure residents, and work at the sites.

Some of the signs to look out for that might indicate a rave is being planned:

o Posters or messages advertising a rave

o Cropped bolts on a gate

o People in cars or vans stopping to look into a field or climbing over a fence into a field

o Flattened or disturbed hedgerows

o Anyone acting suspiciously

Anyone with information is asked to call Northamptonshire Police on 101 or in an emergency, call 999.