October Rogues Gallery: Two murderers, drug dealers and thief among crooks jailed in and around Peterborough

Fourteen crooks included in this month’s Rogues Gallery

Two murderers who were given life sentences are among the crooks jailed for crimes in Peterborough and the surrounding area in October.

Stephen Alderton, 67, of no fixed abode will serve a minimum of 25 years in prison after he admitted shooting father and son Gary and Joshua Dunmore earlier this year.

Jamie Boughen, 48, of Waterlees Road, Wisbech, will serve a minimum of 22 years after he stabbed Eliza Bibby, killing her in January.

Others to receive jail terms this month include drug dealers, a man who exposed himself on a train, and violent offenders.

These are not all the criminals jailed in September – but just the ones who police have published a picture of.

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