Nearly half new applicants to become Lincolnshire Police officers want to be detectives

Lincolnshire Police has had 332 applicants to fill it 166 extra roles. EMN-201229-160056001Lincolnshire Police has had 332 applicants to fill it 166 extra roles. EMN-201229-160056001
Lincolnshire Police has had 332 applicants to fill it 166 extra roles. EMN-201229-160056001
Nearly half of the people who have applied to become a Lincolnshire Police officer say they want to become detectives, according to the force.

After a recent recruitment campaign in light of a government boost in funding to increase the number of officers across the country, Lincolnshire Police received applications from 332 people and 41 per cent said they want to end up as investigators.

From October 12 to December 6 the force ran a recruitment campaign in line with the national police officer uplift programme. The government has vowed to recruit 20,000 extra police officers across the country over the next three years, which for Lincolnshire police equates to 166 officers.

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During the latest campaign 138 registered their interest in the county force’s new Detective Fast Track scheme, an initiative that will see recruits wanting to work in CID, PVP (Protecting Vulnerable People) and other investigative roles being fast tracked into the role of detective constable during their initial training.

DI Lee St Quinton who heads the Detective Fast Track Scheme said: “Considering that this is a new scheme for Lincolnshire police, this is a fantastic response.

“Despite our geographical size, we are a small force so it is essential that our officers have the skills to put the uniform on at a moment’s notice and those on the DC Fast Track scheme will follow the same initial training as any other officer, only after 10 weeks of independent patrol they will move into an investigation team and begin to focus more on the role of a detective and the skills that role requires.”

As well as the DC Fast Track Scheme, during the force’s latest recruitment campaign Lincolnshire police focused on recruiting more people from the east of the county, more people with second language skills and increasing the diversity of the organisation.

For those who expressed an interest in the DC Fast Track scheme, a series of assessments will take place over the coming weeks and months as the recruits begin their journey with the force.