Jail for burglar sniffed out by police dog in Peterborough Iceland store

PD Molly helped to sniff out the culprit in the Iceland store.PD Molly helped to sniff out the culprit in the Iceland store.
PD Molly helped to sniff out the culprit in the Iceland store.
A man who broke into a food warehouse and climbed a stack of boxed crisps to ‘avoid being bitten’ by a police dog has been jailed.

Police were called out to Iceland (Food Warehouse) in Ortongate Shopping Centre at about 4am on Sunday morning (25 April) after the store’s alarm was activated.

The sliding doors at the entrance had been rammed with trolleys to create an opening for the intruder to enter the store.

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Police Dog Molly and her handler entered the shop and found 23-year-old Declan Hyland at the back of the store, having climbed up boxes of crisps.

Hyland, from Luton but of no fixed address, was arrested and later charged with burglary with intent to steal.

He appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Monday (April 26) where he admitted the offence and was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison.

PC James Rice said: “In interview, Hyland admitted breaking into the store to eat food as he was hungry and had climbed up off the floor so the dog wouldn’t bite him.

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“He admitted being addicted to drugs and was unemployed so has no legitimate means to fund his habit. I hope the time he spends in prison over the coming months will give him chance to work on his addiction and take on the support offered to him to get himself on the straight and narrow.”

Information about substance misuse and support services can be found here https://bit.ly/2S8Heva.