Eye man avoids jail after thinking his four year driving ban finished after two years

Peterborough Magistrates' CourtPeterborough Magistrates' Court
Peterborough Magistrates' Court
A man from Eye caught driving two years into a four year ban has avoided a jail term.

Mark Thompson (29) of Little Close, Eye, was spotted driving a Nissan on Eyebury Road in May by police officers.

However, he had been given a four year ban in 2016 following a number of driving convictions.

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Thompson appeared at Peterborough Magistrates' Court today (Friday) where he pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.

The court was told Thompson has previous convictions for drink driving and aggravated vehicle taking - and this offence was his fourth for driving while disqualified.

Kashif Khan, defending, said Thompson had not realised the driving ban lasted for four years - and thought it was only a two year ban.

He said: "It was purely a mistake. He has shown an immense amount of remorse."

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Mr Khan said Thompson had two children, and he was the main bread winner for the family.

Deputy District Judge Robert Roscoe, sentencing said Thompson had come perilously close to being sent to prison.

He imposed a five month sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered him to carry out 180 hours unpaid work. He also imposed a six week electronically monitored curfew between 10pm and 5am.

He was banned for three years - meaning the disqualification will run out in 2021 - and was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £115 victim surcharge.