CCTV appeal after Peterborough robbery

Do you recognise this man?Do you recognise this man?
Do you recognise this man?
Officers have released CCTV footage of a man they would like to speak to in connection with a robbery in Peterborough.

At about 1pm on 31 July a man was assaulted in Hereward Cross and had his mobile phone and bank card stolen.

The victim, a 30 year old man, was walking towards the cathedral when a man on a bike grabbed him by his t-shirt.

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The victim managed to break away and continued walking when the suspect struck the victim to the back of his head and grabbed the mobile phone out of his hand.

The suspect fled the scene cycling off in the direction of the bus station.

PC Matt Reed said: “I am urging anyone who recognises the man in the CCTV image to get in touch with us, any information could really assist our investigation.”

If you believe you saw anything, please contact police on 101 quoting crime reference number 35/50933/20 or by visiting Alternatively contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111 or via