Carer jailed for using elderly Peterborough woman's money for holiday to Dubai

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Court news
A carer took advantage of a vulnerable Peterborough woman aged in her 80s by using her money to buy flights and a holiday to Dubai.

Rutendo Hapaguti, (28), started looking after the victim at her home in Raventhorpe, Peterborough, in January this year as a stand-in for her regular carer.

Hapaguti noted down her card details and during February and last month spent just over £3,400 on flights to Zimbabwe and Zambia, money transfers abroad, a flight and visa for a friend and the holiday to Dubai.

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She was arrested on April 1 after the victim’s regular carer became suspicious and her grand-daughter contacted police.

Hapaguti, of Priestley Road, Stevenage, pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation and was jailed for 26 weeks at Huntingdon Magistrates’ Court

DC Pippa Burns, who investigated, said: “Hapaguti found herself in a position to take advantage of this vulnerable lady and did so on multiple occasions while the regular carer was on leave.

“It is a gross breach of a position of trust, which is reflected in the prison sentence.”