Bernadette Walker murder trial: Teenager’s mum’s Facebook plea for Bernadette to come home five days after she was last seen alive

Bernadette WalkerBernadette Walker
Bernadette Walker
The mum of missing Peterborough 17-year-old Bernadette Walker launched a missing person appeal on social media five days after the teenager was last seen alive, a jury has heard.

Bernadette was last seen alive leaving her grandparent’s house on the morning of Saturday, July 18 last year.

Cambridge Crown Court has heard her mum, Sarah Walker, posted on her Facebook page on the Wednesday, (July 22) appealing for Bernadette to come home.

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Scott Walker - not Bernadette’s biological father, but who she called ‘dad’ - is accused of her murder and perverting the course of justice.
Sarah Walker is charged with perverting the course of justice.

The jury at the trial heard how at 7.40pm on July 22, Sarah Walker posted on Facebook, making the plea for Bernadette to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard Bernadette’s grandfather has dementia.

The court was told Sarah Walker made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used,’ and ‘I think my partner knows where my missing child is.’

Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that on the evening of July 23, both Sarah and Scott Walker’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

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ANPR cameras captured Scott Walker’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn at 10.22pm - returning in the other direction half an hour later.

The trial also heard police came and searched Bernadette’s room on July 22.

Scott Walker (50) of Century Square, Peterborough denies murder and four counts of perverting the course of justice.

Sarah Walker (37) of Century Square, Peterborough, denies two counts of perverting the course of justice. She has pleaded guilty to two counts of perverting the course of justice.

The trial continues.