Appeal after break in at football club

Do you recognise this man?Do you recognise this man?
Do you recognise this man?
Police are appealing for witnesses after a break in at a football club.

On Thursday, March 26 between 4am and 4.30am, three unknown men forced entry into the Pinchbeck United Football Club building. Having caused considerable damage to the premises, the males stole alcohol valued at £100 from the bar.

All three men were wearing hoodies.

On the same night entry has also been gained to a new build property in Knight Street, Pinchbeck, and offenders have stolen hand tools worth £1,400. This address is very close to Pinchbeck United Football Club and it is suspected that it may be connected.

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Lincolnshire police have issued a CCTV image of a man they want to trace - and although they acknowledged the image quality was ‘not the best’ they said they hoped someone would be able to identify the man.

Anyone with information should call Lincolnshire police on 101.