New mental health service

Michelle EspleyMichelle Espley
Michelle Espley
People who want to improve their mental health can now take a new online programme being offered by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.

The free treatment is from CPFT’s Psychological Wellbeing Service and is available to anyone over the age of 17 who is registered with a GP in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough.

The online system, SilverCloud, can help those experiencing stress, depression or a wide range of anxiety disorders.

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Michelle Espley, senior therapist and lead for SilverCloud, said: “Mental ill health can affect one in four people, and this is another very effective way for people to get help and work towards recovery from their conditions.” People can refer themselves to the Psychological Wellbeing Service by using the form on or by calling 0300 300 0055.