Peterborough special school donates hundreds of presents to Christmas appeal

Staff and pupils from Nenegate School who have collected 150 presenrs for the Rotary Club Christmas Tree Appeal. EMN-191218-151743009Staff and pupils from Nenegate School who have collected 150 presenrs for the Rotary Club Christmas Tree Appeal. EMN-191218-151743009
Staff and pupils from Nenegate School who have collected 150 presenrs for the Rotary Club Christmas Tree Appeal. EMN-191218-151743009
Pupils at NeneGate school raised hundreds of pounds to buy gifts for disadvantaged children.

The school which only has 44 pupils in total, donated a staggering 125 presents. The presents which have been handed over to the Stamford St Martins Rotary Club, will be distributed to different charity groups across the city.

Jon Blundell, Headteacher said: “I’m absolutely filled with pride. We do it each year and we used to get around 20-30 presents, which is still so good. This year I wanted to show them another incentive, to show them empathy and that people have it worse off and the difference we can make.”

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Overall, the pupils raised over £700 from sponsored walks, swims and car washes. With one student, phenomenally raising over £400 himself. Giving the pupils more independence, this year the pupils went on to buy the presents and wrap them. This was especially important to Jon, as all the pupils at school have disabilities or special educational needs. The school hopes to continue building on their donations next year and raise even more.

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