Autumn fun for preschool youngsters

The children learn about autumnThe children learn about autumn
The children learn about autumn
As the nights draw in and colder, wetter weather grips the city, children have been learning about autumn in class.

Youngsters at Barnack preschool have been collecting leaves, conkers, pine cones and other autumn treasures as part of their project on the changing season. The children were each given the task of taking their families on an autumn adventure to collect things from nature to share at preschool.

Manager Kirsty Adams said: “The children loved showing their friends the treasures they have collected and over the next few days we will be encouraging them to count all the similar things they’ve gathered and sort them by colour and size to help make their learning fun. We will also be doing some leaf and bark rubbings and making hedgehog collages with leaves and other natural materials.”

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