A week of magical storytelling at Hampton nursery

Busy Bees at Hampton Hargate.Busy Bees at Hampton Hargate.
Busy Bees at Hampton Hargate.
Families and parents are being invited to join staff and children at a Hampton nursery for a week of magical storytelling.

Busy Bees, based in Hampton Hargate on Hargate Way, is taking part in a national campaign called Bringing Stories to Life next week (January 16 to 20), which aims to show parents how they can really make reading magical and make the most of story time at home with their children.

The campaign is backed by several partners including Ladybird Books, acclaimed children’s author Ian Whybrow and Usborne Books.

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During the week-long campaign parents are being invited into the nursery to take part in a themed activity each day, all of which are designed to show the different techniques involved in storytelling and reading.

This includes a ‘Share a Story’ day on Tuesday where local Usborne Book representatives will visit the nursery to read some of their all-time favourite stories with children, and parents can earn book tokens for their nursery.

Parents can also get involved in a national competition which challenges those that visit Busy Bees at Peterborough to write their very own short stories in partnership with children and staff. The winning entry will receive an exclusive masterclass and book signing session with Ian Whybrow and an exclusive prize bundle from Ladybird Books.

Heidi Cassidy, nursery manager at Busy Bees in Peterborough, said: “We’re really excited to welcome parents and families into the nursery. It promises to be a fun week and there will be many opportunities to share some of the ways we use storytelling and reading to enhance children’s learning on a day-to-day basis as well as the chance for parents to get involved in some of their own storytelling and tell us which books they enjoyed reading most as a child.”

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