Outdoor reading challenge for children

Weekly challenges with Peterborough Reads will get children outdoors, chatting and improving their literacy skills. EMN-200728-143733001Weekly challenges with Peterborough Reads will get children outdoors, chatting and improving their literacy skills. EMN-200728-143733001
Weekly challenges with Peterborough Reads will get children outdoors, chatting and improving their literacy skills. EMN-200728-143733001
An outdoor reading challenge has been launched to engage Peterborough youngsters over the school holidays.

Local literacy campaign, Peterborough Reads, which is delivered by the National Literacy Trust in partnership with Peterborough City Council, has launched a series of outdoor trails to keep children active, entertained and learning during the summer.

Throughout lockdown, the Peterborough Reads team has been busy setting challenges for youngsters to keep them occupied and learning.

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