Nearly 100 cadets from across Peterborough came together for a special evening in Fletton yesterday.
Youngsters from the three city detachments – Talavera, Fletton and Walton – all met at the Fletton TA centre for a presentation evening on Thursday.
Staff Sgt Rylan Ray said: “It is the first time all three detachments have come together on a night like this, as Peterborough Army Cadets.”We had presentations of awards and certificates, and the Mayor, cllr Marco Cereste, carried out his inspection of the cadets.”
A celebration of the affiliation with the Royal British Legion was also held.
There are currently 120 cadets in Peterborough, and 90 of them, aged from 12 to 18, where on parade last night.
Youngsters wishing to join the cadets are advised to visit
An open night for youngsters and parents is being held at the Fletton branch on London Road on Thursday night from 7pm – for more information visit

1. Army Cadet Force annual inspection
Some of the cadets who took part Photo: David Lowndes

2. Army Cadet Force annual inspection
Mayor of Peterborough Marco Cereste inspects the cadets Photo: David Lowndes

3. Army Cadet Force annual inspection
Around 90 cadets were on parade Photo: David Lowndes

4. Army Cadet Force annual inspection
Cadets came from three detachments Photo: David Lowndes