Golden hat-trick for Police Club boxers, and busy Jobe just the job for Top Yard Club

Amat Jobe (left) with Jibrail Talukdar.Amat Jobe (left) with Jibrail Talukdar.
Amat Jobe (left) with Jibrail Talukdar.
​Peterborough Police Boxing Club are celebrating three gold medals from the International Angel of the North BoxCup, held at the Rainton Arena in Newcastle.

​Brothers Muhammad Ismaael (15, 60kg) and Musa Ahmed (13, 38kg) both won their events with Zayne Hussain (10) also grabbing gold in his under 34kg competition.

The Police Club also won five silvers and a bronze as none of their nine fighters on duty returned without a medal.

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Some of the silver medalists were unlucky losers with Shae Gowler (17, 66kg) coming off second best after a superb scrap with West Ham Boxing Club youngster Conner Mitchell, the son of former professional champion Kevin Mitchell.

The Peterborough Police Club squad on duty in Newcastle.The Peterborough Police Club squad on duty in Newcastle.
The Peterborough Police Club squad on duty in Newcastle.

Gowler forced a standing eight count in the third and final round of a brilliant toe-to-toe battle.

Twelve year-olds Jacob Hussain (42kg) and Kyryl Malyk (38kg) also went down to boxers from the powerful West Ham club.

Ewan Davies (14, 44kg) was probably the unluckiest semi-final loser of them all as he appeared to dominate a lad from Longs ABC, but the judges’ verdict went against him.

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And Reggie Baker (14, 46kg) was beaten on points by Scottish and tri-nations champion Zayn Iqbal of Southside BA despite delivering the cleaner, more skilful work.

Gold medal winning brothers Muhammad Ismaael (left) and Musa Ahmed.Gold medal winning brothers Muhammad Ismaael (left) and Musa Ahmed.
Gold medal winning brothers Muhammad Ismaael (left) and Musa Ahmed.

Kian Aragosa (13, 38kg) was the only Police boxer not to reach a final, but again he was on the wrong end of a semi-final verdict which could have gone either way.

All nine fighters won their first day bouts and impressive semi-final wins were recorded by Baker, against the Irish champion, and Malyk.

Police coach Chris Baker said: “I'm so proud of the whole team. We left the competition with our heads held high after a brilliant weekend for the club.

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“A massive thanks to club coaches Vicki Baker and Jason McElligott for supporting the team all weekend and Peterborough Lions International for the use of their minibus.”


Crowd-pleasing Top Yard Boxing Club senior Amat Jobe won twice on the road in two days to maintain his outstanding form.

Jobe first beat Jibrail Talukdar from Clifton ABC in Birmingham on points before travelling to Thetford to gain a unanimous points verdict against Kingfisher ABC’s Joey Bedford.

Talukdar came out all guns blazing looking to overpower Jobe, but the city fighter boxed clever, allowing his opponent to throw shots which wore him out against a strong defence.

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Talukdar continued with the aggression but slowly tired, allowing Jobe to get his powerful hooks and uppercuts through. Both fighters were very powerful and fit, but the boxing brain of Jobe was the key as he broke his opponent down.

There was no sign of fatigue the following night as Jobe started very well keeping his shorter opponent on the end of a jab and followed up with some juicy left hooks.

Jobe upped the pace throughout and a classy performance delivered a comfortable win.

Jobe will be out again on Sunday at the Top Yard home show at Gladstone Park Community Centre (1-5pm).