Help available for Peterborough families during February half term

Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009
Peterborough Town Hall EMN-210809-085709009
Help will be available for families in Peterborough who have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Peterborough City Council will continue to operate the Household Support Fund, which runs until 31 March 2022.

As in previous holidays, financial support will be offered to vulnerable families through the Direct Food Voucher Scheme. This will cover the February half term period from 14 to 18 February.

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The scheme offers parents a voucher for a choice of supermarkets. These vouchers will be sent to eligible families automatically using school data and information held by the local authority. Those eligible for the voucher will be pupils who meet the following criteria:

Early Years Pupil Premium

Children eligible for income related funded two-year-old education

Eligible for Free School Meals

Students eligible for 16+ bursary.

The council will issue each eligible child or young person a £15 supermarket voucher on 11 February to cover the half term holiday period. The voucher will be sent by email and/or text to the nominated parent or carer. The voucher does not need to be used in a single shopping trip and once claimed will last for at least a year.

If your child is eligible for income-related free school meals, or any of the other criteria listed above, on or before 3 February, they will automatically receive a voucher for the February half term. Any children who become eligible up until 18 February 2022 will also receive a voucher.

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Wider forms of support are also available for families and individuals over the winter months, whether or not they are eligible for the Direct Food Voucher Scheme. This could take the form of access to food, household heating and other essential supplies.

Cllr Lynne Ayres, Peterborough City Council’s cabinet member for children’s services, education, skills and the university, said: “I am delighted that we have received funding for this excellent scheme to continue throughout the February half term holiday. It provides essential help to those families which need it most and I am proud to be able to support it again.”