These are the Ofsted ratings for every school in Peterborough

The percentage of schools in Peterborough rated Good or Outstanding has gone downThe percentage of schools in Peterborough rated Good or Outstanding has gone down
The percentage of schools in Peterborough rated Good or Outstanding has gone down
The percentage of Peterborough schools rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted has dropped in the past couple of years.

In 2017, 88 per cent of schools had one of the top two grades, but that has reduced to 85 per cent. In the past year two previously Outstanding schools - Barnack Primary and City of Peterborough Academy - have had their ratings downgraded to Requires Improvement. Peterborough City Council regularly highlights the percentage of city schools rated Good or Outstanding when discussing education performance. Ofsted is now introducing a new framework for inspections from September which will place greater emphasis on a school’s curriculum. Asked if he was concerned about the dip in the city’s Ofsted ratings, Jonathan Lewis, council director for education, said: “The local authority is working closely with schools and academy trusts to ensure that schools maintain a good judgement for their inspections. Ofsted review over a period of time and there may not be an inspection for up to five years, during which time circumstances change and school performance changes.” Regarding the new Ofsted framework, he said the council is “working hard on our monitoring and review process” and from July will be “sharing the focus on our improvement work in primary and secondary to ensure that every school in Peterborough provides a good all-round education for their pupils”. Below are the Ofsted ratings for mainstream schools in Peterborough.