Hearing aid batteries issued by Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals trust at risk of exploding, patients warned

A sample of the battery packets that should not be usedA sample of the battery packets that should not be used
A sample of the battery packets that should not be used
The Audiology department at Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust issued a warning that there is a problem with ZeniPower mercury-free batteries that have been supplied to patients for use with hearing aids.

The Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has issued an alert warning that all ZeniPower mercury-free hearing aid batteries with a best before date of either ‘08-2018’ or ‘09-2018’ are affected and should not be used as they carry a low risk of exploding during use or if they are depleted.

The affected batteries may have been issued to patients visiting the Head and Neck Unit at Peterborough City Hospital, the Outpatients Department at Stamford Hospital, the Deepings Practice, or the Hereward and Galletly Practices in Bourne. They may also have been sent to patients by post.

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Nathan Stuart, Audiology Services Manager for the Trust, said: “The advice we are offering to all our patients with hearing aids is to check their batteries and dispose of any ZeniPower mercury-free batteries with the affected expiry dates. If in doubt, do not use the batteries and obtain replacement batteries through your usual place of supply.”

Any patients with concerns can contact the Audiology team on 01733 673991.