NSPCC Peterborough Service Centre creates news and activity letter to help families cope in lockdown

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The NSPCC in Peterborough has launched a new newsletter filled with activities and information to help families struggling in lockdown.

Providing essential information on coping with stresses and worries, the newsletter is written by industry professionals who work directly in this sector and for the NSPCC. It signposts essential resources such as food banks and where to apply for financial aid, as well as providing an activity resource for parents who may be running low on ideas.

Across the UK many of the charity’s service centres have been adapting to the challenges faced by the coronavirus and are working hard to deliver their services in innovative ways.

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The NSPCC Peterborough team wanted to reach as many families as possible within the local area and collaborated with Peterborough City Council and other organisations to create a one stop place for parents and children to access valuable relevant resources.

Melissa Lee is an NSPCC children’s services practitioner who helped to create and develop the newsletter. She said: “This material is designed to bring together different resources all in one place. As well as activities, it also offers practical online safety advice, tips for managing mental health anxieties and each issue will include various activities that take into account all children’s abilities.

“We want to do everything we possibly can for families struggling in these uncertain times and we are very concerned about the effects its already having on so many. This newsletter isn’t just designed as a resource, it’s there to make people smile too.”

The newsletter is available to view on the Peterborough City Council website via the NSPCC page. Issue one is out now and free to download with the second instalment available on 23/04/2020.