Rail network manager sets out timetable to find new apprentices in Peterborough

Network Rail apprentice Hudson Keen, of Peterborough.Network Rail apprentice Hudson Keen, of Peterborough.
Network Rail apprentice Hudson Keen, of Peterborough.
Network Rail is looking to recruit six apprentices in Peterborough.

The owner and manager of most of the country’s railway network says it welcomes applications from school leavers to those looking to switch career.

Its award-winning scheme offers opportunities in signalling, telecoms and track as well as cyber security and digital railway.

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As well as its Advanced Apprenticeship Scheme, Network Rail offers apprenticeships in corporate functions such as accounting, HR, project management and commercial surveying.

Hudson Keen (21) of Peterborough, who is in his second year of a three year rail technician apprenticeship, said: “The scheme is a fantastic opportunity.

“It’s the start of your career, where you can learn a huge amount and make friends for life. I like the variety of the work and having the opportunity to learn at some fantastic training facilities.”

To apply, go to www.networkrail.co.uk/apprentices. Deadline for applications is December 11.