105 out of 108 Year 7 vacancies at Voyager Academy

Out of 108 Year 7 vacancies in Peterborough at the start of the current academic year, 105 were at Voyager Academy according to a Peterborough City Council report.
Voyager AcademyVoyager Academy
Voyager Academy

Scott Hudson, principal, said: “Students currently in Year 7 will have made decisions about which secondary school they would like to join over a year ago, and so it is no surprise that these figures reflect a period of unacceptably low performance.

“However, since that time we have seen rapid improvement at the academy. We came out of special measures in February 2016, and in May 2016 an Ofsted monitoring inspection noted that we are taking effective action to become a ‘good’ school.”

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The council was asked why there were so many vacancies. A spokesman said: “There is capacity at Voyager in Year 7 as this reflects the number of parents listing it as one of their preferences for secondary school.”